Retrograde thoughts

Almost every one of the hundreds of planets so far discovered around other stars orbits in the direction the star rotates. This has to do with the way planets form. According to the British Wide Area Search for Planets, working in collaboration the the Geneva observatory, they have discovered the first planet to orbit in a retrograde manner—opposite of its star’s rotation.

The star and its planet are about 1,000 light years from earth. The team who discovered the planet theorize that its unusual motion is owing to a near-collision with some large body. The planet is also bloated, probably because of an eccentric orbit that brings it quite close to its star at times.

The point is that every new discovery shows just how unlikely the stable orbit and just-right conditions of our earth are, suggesting the hand of a designer in its preparation and in its maintenance for the support of human life.

With examples such as the retrograde planet, we see how easily the intrusion of a large object into a solar system could throw earth’s conditions out of whack. We also see a master craftsman is at work because the events of the wrath, detailed in The Earth Will Reel, do not make earth permanently uninhabitable.